Yesterday I had a 35 minute run on the 'mill: 5 minute warmup at 4.0, 20 minutes of running at 4.7, 5 minutes of alternating 1-minute walk with 1 minute running, and a final 5 minute walk at 4.0. Total distance: 2.5 miles
My weigh in number for the week: 172. Again. Last week felt pretty darn good in terms of eating and exercise, so hopefully the scale will be better in the coming week.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Training Schedule
Today is my first day of half marathon training! I though I'd post my schedule to share with everyone. I've given the workouts numbers, not days, since my work schedule is so sporadic, though my long runs will probably always be Tuesdays.
Wish me luck! How do you train for your races - time or miles?
Here we go:

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Weekend Recap
Hope all of you had a good weekend! Mine was busy, but good. I picked up my new car (!!!!!) Friday night, cleaned my house, and went to bed early.
Saturday started with my favorite pre-run breakfast: pb, nanners, and toast.
I then met up with my sister, three of my nieces and my mom for a local 5k. My nieces and sister ran, and my mom watched.
My girls
Me (and mom's golf cart). The race was less than a mile away from my parent's house. I finished the race in an easy 38:00 - my sister kicked my butt with a 31:00. Two of my nieces placed in the 14-19 age group. I also bought my race series shirt for the year:
Saturday started with my favorite pre-run breakfast: pb, nanners, and toast.

Friday, June 25, 2010
melting down
I had a meltdown this morning. I have a feeling that any of you who have struggled with your weight know this routine: Get up, get ready, go to closet. Closet is full of clothes. But you have nothing you can put on. Nothing fits, or if it fits, it doesn’t work with anything else, or the thing it would work with is dirty, so-dirty-you-can’t-throw-it-in-warm-dryer-to-hide-the-wrinkles dirty. So you begin to try on clothes, get frustrated sling them at the wall, creating a mountain you’ll inevitably trip over. You have no clothes, and today is starting out on the wrong foot.
That was me today. I had no pants. Or tops that went with the pants I had. I work in a very business-dressy environment, no skirts or dresses allowed, only pants and today none of the clean ones fit. I know this routine extremely well, but today’s was different: I am used to dismissing outfits because of visible rolls or the inability to breathe. Today, all 4 pairs of clean pants in my closet were too big. It was a small victory in a frustrating situation. I am still on the path . . .I am still winning the fight with my weight, albeit not with my closet.
I ended up in a pair of dirty pants.
That was me today. I had no pants. Or tops that went with the pants I had. I work in a very business-dressy environment, no skirts or dresses allowed, only pants and today none of the clean ones fit. I know this routine extremely well, but today’s was different: I am used to dismissing outfits because of visible rolls or the inability to breathe. Today, all 4 pairs of clean pants in my closet were too big. It was a small victory in a frustrating situation. I am still on the path . . .I am still winning the fight with my weight, albeit not with my closet.
I ended up in a pair of dirty pants.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hot in Here
It was 102 degrees yesterday at work on the manufacturing floor - thank goodness for cloudy weather today! I ran inside, getting in 2 miles in 28 minutes.
As you know, I am planning - no, am going to be running the Wine and Dine half marathon in Disney World on October 2. The race mandates a 16 minute mile pace, though I have a definate goal for myself: to average 12 minute miles. It's achievable given my 5k race pace (Thanks, Mcmillian pace calculator!), but will be a challenge. My formal race begins on Monday. I've put together a hybrid plan using Hal Higdon's Novice Runner and his Walking half marathon plans. The biggest difference between the two? The "runner" uses distance to track all training runs, and the "walker" uses distance for long runs, but time for shorter runs. I seem to do better on runs where the focus is time, so I'll be using that aspect in my plan. I'll have it to share with you on Monday.
Eating this week has been pretty good: greek yogurt, baked chicken, cliff bars. My company is having a cook out today, but I have some issues with food sanitation by novice cooks in high temperatures . . . let's just say I brought my lunch.
This evening holds a yoga class, and possibly shopping for a new car! What kind of car do you drive?
As you know, I am planning - no, am going to be running the Wine and Dine half marathon in Disney World on October 2. The race mandates a 16 minute mile pace, though I have a definate goal for myself: to average 12 minute miles. It's achievable given my 5k race pace (Thanks, Mcmillian pace calculator!), but will be a challenge. My formal race begins on Monday. I've put together a hybrid plan using Hal Higdon's Novice Runner and his Walking half marathon plans. The biggest difference between the two? The "runner" uses distance to track all training runs, and the "walker" uses distance for long runs, but time for shorter runs. I seem to do better on runs where the focus is time, so I'll be using that aspect in my plan. I'll have it to share with you on Monday.
Eating this week has been pretty good: greek yogurt, baked chicken, cliff bars. My company is having a cook out today, but I have some issues with food sanitation by novice cooks in high temperatures . . . let's just say I brought my lunch.
This evening holds a yoga class, and possibly shopping for a new car! What kind of car do you drive?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
People of WalMart
If you are need of amusement, this is the place to go. Just . . . wow.
If you are need of amusement, this is the place to go. Just . . . wow.
Being Uncomfortable
Last night, I pushed myself out of my 172lbs person's comfort zone, and instead of doing a very controlled, paced 4 miles on the treadmill, I decided to run outside. I'll be honest - running outside still makes me self concicious. Like the cars driving by ask themselves "Why is that big girl outside running?". Honestly, I know they don't, but that self doubt still creeps in.
It was around 90 but with a good breeze, so I started an unmeasured, hilly loop around town. It was hot, and I was slow, but it felt good to be outside, good to feel strong. I mapped the route when I got home: 4.45 miles, including warm up and cool down. Time? 1:11. Not too bad for the amount of heat and waiting through two stoplights. By the time for my half, I'd like to be able to do 5 miles in an hour, so I have some work to do, speed-wise.
What is your favorite speed workout?
It was around 90 but with a good breeze, so I started an unmeasured, hilly loop around town. It was hot, and I was slow, but it felt good to be outside, good to feel strong. I mapped the route when I got home: 4.45 miles, including warm up and cool down. Time? 1:11. Not too bad for the amount of heat and waiting through two stoplights. By the time for my half, I'd like to be able to do 5 miles in an hour, so I have some work to do, speed-wise.
What is your favorite speed workout?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Weekly Weigh In
I'll let my number tell you how my week went:
The damn pound is back. I had a relvation yesterday: I have learned what it takes to live life at 172 pounds, an improvement over the only other lifestyle I knew: 195 - 210lbs. I understand what foods to eat, what exercise to do and how to be 172 pounds. What I need to learn is how to be 171. Sounds simple, but isn't. I need the next level of changes: harder work outs, better food choices. With that in mind, I put together a work out schedule for the week.
M: 2.5 miles, abs
T: 4 miles
W: yoga
R: 3.5 miles, abs
F: strength train, abs
S: 5k race
S: rest day
I'll let you know how I am at keeping my schedule. Ab work is my very-least-favorite-thing, probably because my abs are SO weak. Making myself do it will be a huge challenge.
As far as food, eh. Some not good choices made last week. Why is eating right so difficult? Is it for everyone, or just me? What is your best tip for making good food choices?
The damn pound is back. I had a relvation yesterday: I have learned what it takes to live life at 172 pounds, an improvement over the only other lifestyle I knew: 195 - 210lbs. I understand what foods to eat, what exercise to do and how to be 172 pounds. What I need to learn is how to be 171. Sounds simple, but isn't. I need the next level of changes: harder work outs, better food choices. With that in mind, I put together a work out schedule for the week.
M: 2.5 miles, abs
T: 4 miles
W: yoga
R: 3.5 miles, abs
F: strength train, abs
S: 5k race
S: rest day
I'll let you know how I am at keeping my schedule. Ab work is my very-least-favorite-thing, probably because my abs are SO weak. Making myself do it will be a huge challenge.
As far as food, eh. Some not good choices made last week. Why is eating right so difficult? Is it for everyone, or just me? What is your best tip for making good food choices?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Doughboy 5K and weekend recap
Hope everyone had a good weekend! Mine started with a 5K Saturday morning. I fueled with my favorite pre-race breakfast:
Arnold's Whole Wheat Thin with pb and bananas (does anyone else sing the Gwen Stefani song when they write that word?)
There were around 30 runners and 10 walkers in the 5K. The race started late due to the need for someone to check the road for "wash-outs" - a bad sign. The course started on level blacktop, and I positioned myself near the back of the pack.

The race was about a half hour away, and it rained the entire drive. I don't mind running in the rain, so I wasn't super worried about it. By the time we arrived, however, the sun had come out, and it was 94 and incredibly humid. A pre-race photo:

Mile 1 went by slowly and sweat-ily. It was all on asphalt or concrete, with a few slight hills and a steep bridge. Time for mile 1: 11:30. Mile 2 started out on a regular road, then turned into an uphill gravel climb. The course was an out-and-back, so by this point the "fast runners" are coming at me as I'm trying to finish my first half of the course. Time for mile 2: 12:30. By the start of mile 3, I've turned around, am sufficiently dripping with sweat, and decide that running sucks and I hate it. I make it towards the finishing line and decide to go all out for the last .1 simply to get the whole thing over with. Total time for race: 38 even. Not a bad race for gravel and puddles.
The shirt was a sweet tech shirt - I'll be debuting it soon. After refuel with water and a nanner, I headed home, went for a cool down run, and then spent the rest of the weekend on the lake, tubing and watching the Husband wakeboard.
It was a fun weekend, but not the best eating choices - pizza, cookies, even a regular coke(!) while on the boat.
Goal for the week: photograph my food and post!
How was your weekend? Do you ever hate running?
Friday, June 11, 2010
Food Recap
Mo's food of choice: chewy bones!

Ok, let's start where we left off:
Hip hop yoga is AMAZING - hot room, vinyasa centered, inversion-heavy flow with current and old school hip hop (Can I take a moment to express my love for Biggie Smalls?). I bought a 5-class pass for the studio, so I'll be going to the class every week for a while.
Food photography is way harder than it seems! I've been really good photographing what I eat at work, but not so good about food at home. I'll post a recap this weekend.
I have a race tomorrow - a 5k. This will be my eigthth 5k, and while I don't expect to PR given my lack of speedwork lately, I love to race regardless of the result. I'm also off work this weekend - I get one weekend off every five weeks, and this is it! My good friend and her husband are coming to visit, and briniging their boat, so I'll get to out on the lake for the first time of the year. Which means sun, gossip, and . . . bathing suits. Ugh.
I hate bathings suits - who doesn't, honestly? I had to buy a new one before our trip to Disney in May, and it was a challenge. Thank God for seperate tops and bottoms: I am now a size medium bottom and still a Large on top. You see, the "ladies" haven't caught on to this whole get-smaller thing. Pre weight loss, I was a 38D. A bra fitting yesterday found me at a . . . . 32D. Yeah - now just a size that is harder to find.
Do you like bathing suit shopping? What is your hardest issue to fit?
Hip hop yoga is AMAZING - hot room, vinyasa centered, inversion-heavy flow with current and old school hip hop (Can I take a moment to express my love for Biggie Smalls?). I bought a 5-class pass for the studio, so I'll be going to the class every week for a while.
Food photography is way harder than it seems! I've been really good photographing what I eat at work, but not so good about food at home. I'll post a recap this weekend.
I have a race tomorrow - a 5k. This will be my eigthth 5k, and while I don't expect to PR given my lack of speedwork lately, I love to race regardless of the result. I'm also off work this weekend - I get one weekend off every five weeks, and this is it! My good friend and her husband are coming to visit, and briniging their boat, so I'll get to out on the lake for the first time of the year. Which means sun, gossip, and . . . bathing suits. Ugh.
I hate bathings suits - who doesn't, honestly? I had to buy a new one before our trip to Disney in May, and it was a challenge. Thank God for seperate tops and bottoms: I am now a size medium bottom and still a Large on top. You see, the "ladies" haven't caught on to this whole get-smaller thing. Pre weight loss, I was a 38D. A bra fitting yesterday found me at a . . . . 32D. Yeah - now just a size that is harder to find.
Do you like bathing suit shopping? What is your hardest issue to fit?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The world's fattest woman
I can't tell you how much this poor woman's thought process messes with my head.
What do you think?
What do you think?
A new strategy
I brought my camera to work with me today for one very simple reason: until I figure out this whole eating thing, I'm going to be taking pictures of my food. A disclaimer dear readers:
- I eat out of plastic bags, mismatched tupperware, and napkins. I wish I was a cute plate kind of girl, but at work, that doesn't happen
- My everyday food, especially on tummy upset days, isn't super creative. I'm a leftovers-eating, habit-forming, somewhat boring eater
- I'm not sure that I can promise the super inspiring, gorgeous food photos I see and love on so many other's blogs.
What can promise is this: an honest look at what I'm eating, the struggles that go with it, and maybe some high points along the way.
I have a hip-hop yoga class tonight! It's a new class my studio is offering for the summer, and I'm super excited!
Do you do yoga? What is your favorite kind?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Part 2: The Husband and I

Husband proposed on Christmas 2008, and we planned a small, casual wedding that happened March 14, 2009.
How did you meet your significant other?
Weigh In
I do my weekly way in Monday at my trip to the Y. Last night's results: 171! Somehow, even with the bad eating, I was acitve enough to break through the plateau!!
I haven't been under 170 since . . . high school, so I'm anxious to get there again. As a child, I was average weight until about second grade. I was hit puberty by age 10 and with that came size C breasts. By my freshman year of high school, I was close to 190 (and I'm 5'5"). The summer after my junior year, I used slim fast to lose about 30 pounds. The lightest I remember being 9I have generally avoided scales my entire life) is 167.
When I went to college, I got sucked into a lifestyle of little exercise, late night trips to Denny's and drinking coffee with tons of sugar. I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if I drank alcohol. When I started my last year of college, I weighed around 200 pounds but got down to around 175 when I met the husband. Over the past three years, I slowly gained back to around 200, until last fall when I began this journey.
169 will be a huge celebration for me - here's to hoping it will come soon!
What number is/was your hang up?
I haven't been under 170 since . . . high school, so I'm anxious to get there again. As a child, I was average weight until about second grade. I was hit puberty by age 10 and with that came size C breasts. By my freshman year of high school, I was close to 190 (and I'm 5'5"). The summer after my junior year, I used slim fast to lose about 30 pounds. The lightest I remember being 9I have generally avoided scales my entire life) is 167.
When I went to college, I got sucked into a lifestyle of little exercise, late night trips to Denny's and drinking coffee with tons of sugar. I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if I drank alcohol. When I started my last year of college, I weighed around 200 pounds but got down to around 175 when I met the husband. Over the past three years, I slowly gained back to around 200, until last fall when I began this journey.
169 will be a huge celebration for me - here's to hoping it will come soon!
What number is/was your hang up?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Crazy Sunday
What a crazy week this has turned into! By the time I leave work today, I will have logged 75 hours since Monday! I have to admit that both my exercise and eating habits haven't been great, though I've been walking/standing at least 6 hours a day at work, and made it to the gym five times. I haven't been running much - 15 miles total this week. I was on the verge of an exhausted-crying-mental break down Friday night (anyone else have those?) from stress and lack of sleep, and skipped that run for some quiet yoga and a nap.
As far as eating, I was really spot on until Thursday, and it went downhill from there, including eating too much co-worker brought in homemade coffee cake, and basically no veggies since Thurday's lunch salad. Something you don't know about me: in March of this year, I began suffering from sporadic severe gastrointestinal issues, which I've found out is IBS, affected mostly by stress and diet. My stomach has been crazy for most of the week, and my fallback foods are carb-aholic in nature: sandwiches, toast, oatmeal, plain pasta, cheese pizza. Hopefully a more relaxed week will get me back on track.
As far as my goal of packing lunched for the week, I did it 5 out of 7 days. I'm going to reuse this goal again this week, because I'm figuring out that my work eating habits are the most destructive to my healthy efforts.
I'll be back later to finish the story about how the husband and I got together, and also with my inches update for the week.
As far as eating, I was really spot on until Thursday, and it went downhill from there, including eating too much co-worker brought in homemade coffee cake, and basically no veggies since Thurday's lunch salad. Something you don't know about me: in March of this year, I began suffering from sporadic severe gastrointestinal issues, which I've found out is IBS, affected mostly by stress and diet. My stomach has been crazy for most of the week, and my fallback foods are carb-aholic in nature: sandwiches, toast, oatmeal, plain pasta, cheese pizza. Hopefully a more relaxed week will get me back on track.
As far as my goal of packing lunched for the week, I did it 5 out of 7 days. I'm going to reuse this goal again this week, because I'm figuring out that my work eating habits are the most destructive to my healthy efforts.
I'll be back later to finish the story about how the husband and I got together, and also with my inches update for the week.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday Recap
Today is an unplanned abs-only day: I whacked my shin on a table at work, and have a bruise the size of an egg. So my easy 3 milers will be traded with tomorrow's planned rest day, and I'll hopefully get some laundry done this evening.
There was good news at my house today: the husband has been working evenings (2:30 pm - 11:30 pm) for the past 13 months, will be moving to a regular day shift job! I'm so excitied, not only for how good this will be for our marriage but also for my weight loss efforts: he's a workout fiend, and will be good motivation for me the days I want to skip out. Also, it's much more motivating to cook when both of us our home to eat dinner.
The husband and I have been together for almost three years. He is an engineer by job and personality: analytical, practical, and constantly taking things apart to "see how they work." He plays guitar in a classic rock band with a few of his friends, wakeboards, and is a huge foodie. We are very different, but have a strong relationship because we see things from opposite persceptives. I thought in the next few posts I'd share with you the story of how we met (which is also a fat-skinny-fat journey for me).
I dated the same boy from the time I was seventeen until the end of my second year of college - I graduated in three years, so this was the summer before my senior year. I was sure he was The One, but he chose an addiction to prescription painkillers over me. I was heartbroken, and am an emotional eater, so my weight slowly began to climb. I moved from college housing in with my parents that summer, and spent some time volunteering at a church camp I had attended as a kid. There I met a boy we'll call X. X was several years older than me, had recently moved back to our hometown after completeting a Master's in Education, and was living with his parents while he looked for a teaching job. He was very religious and had a close knit group of religious friends. While I has always attended church, I had never really been super involved with it, but, having just moved and looking for a friend group, I was drawn both to X and to his place in a such a seemingly supporting church family.
X and his large extended family were together all the time, and it didn't take long for his parents to dissapprove of me taking so much of his time (He was 30 and lived his parents who were concerned him staying out late? How was this not a warning sign??) X was very thin and athletic, and his family made open comments about my weight, though his mother weighed over 350 lbs herself. I was semi-subconciously using X as a rebound, but he ended up being a huge mess.
After about 6 months of dating I had lost 25 pounds in a not so healthy way and was getting ready for college graduation. I had been accepting into grad school for the next fall, and gotten my job at the large automotive company where I still work. The more successful I became, the worse our relationship got. Everything from my eating choices to my religious beliefs were up to scrunity from X and his whole family.
Up Next: A boy my dad picked out
There was good news at my house today: the husband has been working evenings (2:30 pm - 11:30 pm) for the past 13 months, will be moving to a regular day shift job! I'm so excitied, not only for how good this will be for our marriage but also for my weight loss efforts: he's a workout fiend, and will be good motivation for me the days I want to skip out. Also, it's much more motivating to cook when both of us our home to eat dinner.
The husband and I have been together for almost three years. He is an engineer by job and personality: analytical, practical, and constantly taking things apart to "see how they work." He plays guitar in a classic rock band with a few of his friends, wakeboards, and is a huge foodie. We are very different, but have a strong relationship because we see things from opposite persceptives. I thought in the next few posts I'd share with you the story of how we met (which is also a fat-skinny-fat journey for me).
I dated the same boy from the time I was seventeen until the end of my second year of college - I graduated in three years, so this was the summer before my senior year. I was sure he was The One, but he chose an addiction to prescription painkillers over me. I was heartbroken, and am an emotional eater, so my weight slowly began to climb. I moved from college housing in with my parents that summer, and spent some time volunteering at a church camp I had attended as a kid. There I met a boy we'll call X. X was several years older than me, had recently moved back to our hometown after completeting a Master's in Education, and was living with his parents while he looked for a teaching job. He was very religious and had a close knit group of religious friends. While I has always attended church, I had never really been super involved with it, but, having just moved and looking for a friend group, I was drawn both to X and to his place in a such a seemingly supporting church family.
X and his large extended family were together all the time, and it didn't take long for his parents to dissapprove of me taking so much of his time (He was 30 and lived his parents who were concerned him staying out late? How was this not a warning sign??) X was very thin and athletic, and his family made open comments about my weight, though his mother weighed over 350 lbs herself. I was semi-subconciously using X as a rebound, but he ended up being a huge mess.
After about 6 months of dating I had lost 25 pounds in a not so healthy way and was getting ready for college graduation. I had been accepting into grad school for the next fall, and gotten my job at the large automotive company where I still work. The more successful I became, the worse our relationship got. Everything from my eating choices to my religious beliefs were up to scrunity from X and his whole family.
Up Next: A boy my dad picked out
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